
NY Knicks

I'm a die hard Knick fan and living in Japan doesn't really serve me well since I can't catch their games. The recent game against Denver was probably the first and last I'll get to see this year.However, one look did tell the story.What I…

My take on the Charlotte Bobcats part2.

Last time I wrote about the Bobcats, I suggested 2things. 1. Play more zone. 2. Move Diaw to the point and have a big body that likes to do the dirty work in the lineup.Since then, they've made some trades and their roster is different. En…

Why Kansas lost

Obviously sloppy defense and pathetic rebounding stands out. But the biggest problem was their offense. Now put aside their outside shooting because it's not good to begin with. That everyone knows. The biggest problem was their play calli…


ロジック < 空気 =ダメ ?「空気」と「世間」 (講談社現代新書)作者: 鴻上尚史出版社/メーカー: 講談社発売日: 2009/07/17メディア: 新書購入: 13人 クリック: 163回この商品を含むブログ (53件) を見る日本人が生活の上で最もおびえるもの、それは「空気…